Mastering 'The Tolstoy Effect': a research exercise in linguistic philosophy

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Susannah Temple


The research design and methodology are outlined in order to contextualise the key aspects of the process for developing the Temple Index of Functional Fluency (TIFF), namely the harnessing of the creativity of many people and the collaborative style of working with ongoing piloting and evaluation. The social nature of this process is shown to demand linguistic exploration of shared meanings at every stage. The results of the data analyses are presented to demonstrate how the quantitative data provided the essential framework for the qualitative search for the evidence of meaningfulness that supports and illustrates the validity and reliability of TIFF. This search for evidence can be seen to illuminate, and be illuminated by, transactional analysis ego state theory and is characterised by 'The Tolstoy Effect'.

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How to Cite
Temple, S. (2013). Mastering ’The Tolstoy Effect’: a research exercise in linguistic philosophy. International Journal of Transactional Analysis Research & Practice, 4(1), 85–98.


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