The Little Professor: Reflection on the Structure, Development and Evolution of the Adult in the Child

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Tânia Elizabeth Caetano Alves


According to the concept of the Life Script, developed by Eric Berne, the fate of each individual is sketched in the early years of life. The subdivision of Child Ego State, known as Adult in the Child or Little Professor, is responsible for decoding the world throughout intuition and analogical thought and, thus, in one way or another, having physical and emotional survival guaranteed. The purpose of this article is to qualify and recognise the Adult in the Child and its relevance in the construction of personality trait, by studying the anatomical, physiological and emotional scenario in which the Adult in the Child develops itself. The author suggests that the peculiar stamina and wisdom held in the Adult in the Child may be present in adult life in a positive manner, even if the events that structured it were dramatic.

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How to Cite
Alves, T. E. C. (2019). The Little Professor: Reflection on the Structure, Development and Evolution of the Adult in the Child. International Journal of Transactional Analysis Research & Practice, 10(2), 79–86.
Author Biography

Tânia Elizabeth Caetano Alves, UNAT-BRASIL

Tânia Elizabeth Caetano Alves MD, is a psychotherapist who holds Transactional Analysis Clinical Certification from UNAT-BRASIL.


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