Rituals as Promoters of Autonomy

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Joana Hennemann


For Eric Berne, the psychiatrist who developed transactional analysis, Ritual is a form of time structuring that provides less recognition in relationships. This article aims to re-signify the concept by bringing the understanding that ritualization can be understood not as submission to patterns programmed by tradition and social customs, but as an action that provides an environment that stimulates the development of autonomy. The reflections of authors in the fields of anthropology, psychology and sociology, including van Gennep, Terrin, Bell, Zoja, Tambiah and Turner are used to illustrate and explain the study of rituals as practices replete with symbolism and meanings. Through Eliade and Bateson the notions of the sacred and consecration are considered. Autonomy is referred to as Berne perceived it, implying capacity for awareness, intimacy and spontaneity.

Citation - APA format:

Hennemann, J. (2018). Rituals as Promoters of Autonomy. International Journal of Transactional Analysis Research & Practice, 9(2), 87-92 https://doi.org/10.29044/v9i2p87

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How to Cite
Hennemann, J. (2018). Rituals as Promoters of Autonomy. International Journal of Transactional Analysis Research & Practice, 9(2), 87–92. https://doi.org/10.29044/v9i2p87


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