Death and the Grieving Process: Transactional Analysis Contributions

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Maria Clara Ramos Grochot


Loss, death, and grieving are situations involving people at various points in their lives. The purpose of this article is to present an approach on the psychic reaction determined by experience with death or loss, analysing the process of grieving, correlating the description of the five stages of Kübler-Ross with the discounting levels of Schiff. Considering that loss and death occur in the lives of people, and is generally a factor of great stress, we explain the stages through which mourners pass to elaborate the process of grieving. We conclude that working with the process of grieving through interventions on discounting and correlating them with the phases experienced in this period, proved useful in overcoming problems in the therapeutic process.

Citation - APA format:

Grochot, M. (2018). Death and the Grieving Process: Transactional Analysis Contributions. International Journal of Transactional Analysis Research & Practice, 9(2), 72-80

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How to Cite
Ramos Grochot, M. C. (2018). Death and the Grieving Process: Transactional Analysis Contributions. International Journal of Transactional Analysis Research & Practice, 9(2), 72–80.


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